Mi puoi dire dov'è il mio paese? - Genesis - La storia
Leggi la presentazione e le recensioni degli album:
From Genesis To Revelation (1969)
Trespass (1970)
Nursery Cryme (1971)
Foxtrot (1972)
Selling England By The Pound (1973)
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (1974).
From Genesis To Revelation (1969)
Trespass (1970)
Nursery Cryme (1971)
Foxtrot (1972)
Selling England By The Pound (1973)
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (1974).
4: Foxtrot
L'ascolto di Foxtrot può cambiare a più d'uno il modo di intendere la musica. Fin dall'intro al mellotron di Tony Banks in "Watcher Of The Skies" è chiaro che siamo al cospetto non solo di una pietra miliare del progressive rock, ma anche di uno dei migliori prodotti musicali - in assoluto - del XX secolo.
Foxtrot combina sofisticata complessità con fantasia sfrenata. I testi di Peter Gabriel, degni di un originale romanziere, proiettano uno spettacolo caleidoscopico nel cinema della nostra mente. Interpretando da solo i ruoli di numerosi personaggi, il frontman dei Genesis dimostra inoltre in maniera definitiva la sua versatilità come cantante e mimo.
In generale, Foxtrot suona più "scuro" e meno soft del successivo Selling England....


Si incomincia con "Watcher Of The Skies", brano su un alieno che visita il nostro pianeta e scopre che tutti i suoi abitanti si sono dileguati. Come detto, l'inizio al mellotron è epico; arrivano poi le energiche percussioni di Phil su un tempo ternario in 6/4. La narrazione "fantascientifica" culminerà in una memorabile chiusa rapsodica.
"Time Table" ci fa compiere un salto temporale. Si tratta di una canzone dalle atmosfere e l'ambientazione medievali. Potrebbe essere stata composta dagli Amazing Blondel ma è, ovviamente, contraddistinta dalla tipica impronta classico-malinconica dei Genesis. "Why, why oh why..." Davvero molto bella. La parte di piano riecheggia addirittura la schietta dolcezza melodica di From Genesis To Revelation.
"Time Table" rievoca un'"era eroica" e racconta dell'inevitabile trascorrere del tempo. Non
manca però un sottotono di sana ironia. A questo proposito bisogna sottolineare che l'ironia, ora sorridente e mesta, ora aggressiva, è la peculiarità di tutto Foxtrot. Undici anni più tardi i Marillion, grandi discepoli dei Genesis, avrebbero usato lo stesso tono per infondere una coloratura distintiva al loro album-debutto Script For A Jester's Tear.
"Time Table" rievoca un'"era eroica" e racconta dell'inevitabile trascorrere del tempo. Non
manca però un sottotono di sana ironia. A questo proposito bisogna sottolineare che l'ironia, ora sorridente e mesta, ora aggressiva, è la peculiarità di tutto Foxtrot. Undici anni più tardi i Marillion, grandi discepoli dei Genesis, avrebbero usato lo stesso tono per infondere una coloratura distintiva al loro album-debutto Script For A Jester's Tear.
La più complessa - ed esplosiva! - "Get 'Em Out By Friday" ha un testo formalmente futuristico (non si può fare a meno di pensare a New Brave World dello scrittore Aldous Huxley), ma è in realtà una feroce critica sociale su una minaccia purtroppo enormemente attuale. In questa mini-opera, che alterna "ballabili" eseguiti al flauto a chitarre lanciate in piena libertà (spesso in tandem), Gabriel prende di mira i furfanti delle imprese edili e non solo: è un'accusa a coloro che si arricchiscono affermando di agire "in the interest of the humanity".
La canzone racconta di famiglie che vengono sfrattate affinché le case possano essere demolite e poi ricostruite in modo da contenere il doppio degli inquilini. "Twice as many in the same building size." Ci penserà il "genetic control" a restringere le dimensioni degli umani, riducendoli a nanerottoli.
Intervengono svariati personaggi, e ognuno ha la sua propria musica; anche per questo il brano ricorda per molti versi "Harold The Barrel" dall'album precedente, con Peter Gabriel che usa una voce distinta per ciascuno dei protagonisti. Le ultime parole "Land in your hand you'll be happy on earth, / then invest in the Church for your heaven" è una menzione alle religioni che obnubilano le menti promettendo immaginari paradisi ultraterreni.
La canzone racconta di famiglie che vengono sfrattate affinché le case possano essere demolite e poi ricostruite in modo da contenere il doppio degli inquilini. "Twice as many in the same building size." Ci penserà il "genetic control" a restringere le dimensioni degli umani, riducendoli a nanerottoli.
Intervengono svariati personaggi, e ognuno ha la sua propria musica; anche per questo il brano ricorda per molti versi "Harold The Barrel" dall'album precedente, con Peter Gabriel che usa una voce distinta per ciascuno dei protagonisti. Le ultime parole "Land in your hand you'll be happy on earth, / then invest in the Church for your heaven" è una menzione alle religioni che obnubilano le menti promettendo immaginari paradisi ultraterreni.
"Can-Utility And The Coastliners" è il solco che segue. Quasi 6 minuti di musica eccellente, compressa in una mini-suite che si apre con la chitarra classica e che, passando per i tamburi e i piatti di Collins, per l'organo elettrico di Banks e per il basso percussivo di Rutherford, contiene tutto il repertorio stilistico che è la "marca" dei Genesis. "Can-Utility And The Coastliners" (già questo titolo...!) esalta l'onestà morale del re vichingo Canute. Stanco di sentirsi elogiare a vuoto, Sua Maestà decide di convincere l'adulante corte di non essere così potente come loro credono. Sedutosi sul suo trono in riva al mare, urla alle onde di fermarsi. E naturalmente le onde non lo stanno a sentire.
L'interludio "Horizons" vede Steve Hackett rimaneggiare alla chitarra acustica una composizione per violoncello di Bach.
Su vinile, "Horizons" apriva la facciata B, che per il resto era interamente occupata da...
Su vinile, "Horizons" apriva la facciata B, che per il resto era interamente occupata da...
"Supper's Ready"! Il punto focale dell'album e il motivo principale per cui Foxtrot non può mancare nella collezione privata di ogni amante della buona musica.
"Supper's Ready" è un opus magnum in sé, un'epica di 23 minuti (22:50 per l'esattezza); in realtà, un patchwork di sette diversi brani o "capitoli".
Sensazioni intricate, fattore emotivo altissimo ("We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower"; e, dopo un breve silenzio: "A flower?") e cambi di tempo vertiginosi ("All change!!!") contribuiscono alla compiutezza davvero magistrale della suite.
Non c'è intro: la chitarra a 12 corde e la voce di Gabriel partono contemporaneamente: un unicum nella storia del prog classico (più tardi da più parti imitato).
In una serie di scene variegate, viene narrata l'eterna lotta tra il Bene e il Male attraverso gli occhi di un uomo e di una donna. Il tutto inizia con i due amanti in soggiorno e si conclude con l'Apocalisse. (In 9/8, come si conviene a un tale... evento.)
E' la catarsi!
In un'intervista, Peter Gabriel spiegò che il testo di "Supper's Ready" gli fu ispirato da una strana esperienza personale. Si trovava in un attico insieme alla sua ragazza quando ebbe improvvisamente un'allucinazione: vide il volto di lei trasformarsi "in qualcosa di preoccupatamente diverso"...
Da "Lover's Leap" ad "Apocalypse in 9/8", tanti sono i momenti che testimoniano della genialità di questi musicisti. Dopo il dialogo tra la chitarra acustica e il piano di Tony Banks, e dopo un "ponte" dominato dal mellotron, si passa a una parte di stampo hard rock. Quindi Collins scandisce un ritmo di marcia che condurrà a "How Dare I Be So Beautiful?", abbozzo di ballata dai toni estatici.
E' un bagno di sensazioni: da quelle efferate, brutali, ferine, a quelle morbide e soavi. Un po' come nella vita vera.
Il segmento dal titolo "Willow Farm" è di stampo beatlesiano; a un certo punto sentiamo la voce di Gabriel registrata a doppia velocità. La musica torna successivamente a gonfiarsi, il ritmo è demoniaco, e quando Gabriel canta le parole "To take them to the new Jerusalem", il brivido conclusivo è assicurato.
E' impossibile anche per i musicisti più navigati non riuscire ad ammirare i Genesis. Grazie a questo gruppo, apprendiamo che non basta l'alternarsi di piano e fortissimo, di adagi e ritmi forsennati e in più qualche bella melodietta per autoproclamarsi araldi del rock sinfonico. Il loro Foxtrot, in particolare, è molto più di un semplice esempio di "musica nuova" (come veniva considerato il progressive nel 1972): è il risultato dell'esplorazione di territori musicali fino ad allora assolutamente vergini. E il tutto sulla base di testi che solo la mente di un genio (o di un folle) poteva ideare; input intellettuali di rara vividezza.
As the sound of motor cars fades in the night time,
I swear I saw your face change, it didn't seem quite right.
...And it's hello babe
with your guardian eyes so blue
Hey my baby
don't you know our love is true.
(Da: "Supper's Ready")
Chi si illudeva però che dopo tale opus Gabriel & Co. non potessero superarsi, o comunque eguagliarsi, si sbagliava di grosso...
1. Watcher Of The Skies (7:19)
2. Time Table (4:40)
3. Get 'Em Out By Friday (8:35)
4. Can-Utility And The Coastliners (5:43)
5. Horizons (1:38)
6. Supper's Ready (22:58)
...i. Lover's Leap
...ii. The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man
...iii. Ikhnaton and Itsacon and Their Band of Merry Men
...iv. How Dare I Be So Beautiful?
...v. Willow Farm
...vi. Apocalypse in 9/8 (featuring the delicious talents of Gabble Ratchet)
...vii. As Sure as Eggs is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)
Total Time: 50:33
Tutti i testi di Foxtrot
Watcher Of The Skies
Watcher of the skies watcher of all His is a world alone no world is his own, He whom life can no longer surprise, Raising his eyes beholds a planet unknown. Creatures shaped this planet's soil, Now their reign has come to an end, Has life again destroyed life, Do they play elsewhere, do they know more than their childhood games? Maybe the lizard's shed its tail, This is the end of man's long union with Earth. Judge not this race by empty remains Do you judge God by his creatures when they are dead? For now, the lizard's shed it's tail This is the end of man's long union with Earth. From life alone to life as one, Think not now your journey's done For though your ship be sturdy, no Mercy has the sea, Will you survive on the ocean of being? Come ancient children hear what I say This is my parting council for you on your way. Sadly now your thoughts turn to the stars Where we have gone you know you never can go. Watcher of the skies watcher of all This is your fate alone, this fate is your own.
Time Table
A carved oak table, Tells a tale Of times when kings and queens sipped wine from goblets gold, And the brave would lead their ladies from out of the room to arbours cool. A time of valour, and legends born A time when honour meant much more to a man than life And the days knew only strife to tell right from wrong Through lance and sword. Why, why can we never be sure till we die Or have killed for an answer, Why, why do we suffer each race to believe That no race has been grander It seems because through time and space Though names may change each face retains the mask it wore. A dusty table Musty smells Tarnished silver lies discarded upon the floor Only feeble light descends through a film of grey That scars the panes. Gone the carving, And those who left their mark, Gone the kings and queens now only the rats hold sway And the weak must die according to nature's law As old as they. Why, why can we never be sure till we die Or have killed for an answer, Why, why do we suffer each race to believe That no race has been grander It seems because through time and space Though names may change each face retains the mask it wore.
Get 'Em Out By Friday
John Pebble of Styx Enterprises
"Get 'em out by Friday! You don't get paid till the last one's well on his way. Get 'em out by Friday! It's important that we keep to schedule, there must be no delay."
Mark Hall of Styx Enterprises (otherwise known as "The Winkler")
"I represent a firm of gentlemen who recently purchased this house and all the others in the road, In the interest of humanity we've found a better place for you to go, go-woh, go-woh"
Mrs. Barrow (a tenant)
"Oh no, this I can't believe, Oh Mary, they're asking us to leave."
Mr. Pebble
"Get 'em out by Friday! I've told you before, 's good many gone if we let them stay. And if it isn't easy, You can squeeze a little grease and our troubles will soon run away."
Mrs. Barrow
"After all this time, they ask us to leave, And I told them we could pay double the rent. I don't know why it seemed so funny, Seeing as how they'd take more money. The winkler called again, he came here this morning, With four hundred pounds and a photograph of the place he has found. A block of flats with central heating. I think we're going to find it hard."
Mr. Pebble
"Now we've got them! I've always said that cash cash cash can do anything well. Work can be rewarding When a flash of intuition is a gift that helps you excel-sell-sell-sell."
Mr. Hall
"Here we are in Harlow New Town, did you recognise your block across the square, over there, Sadly since last time we spoke, we've found we've had to raise the rent again, just a bit."
Mrs. Barrow
"Oh no, this I can't believe Oh Mary, and we agreed to leave."
(a passage of time)
18/9/2012 T.V. Flash on all Dial-A-Program Services
This is an announcement from Genetic Control:
This is an announcement from Genetic Control:
"It is my sad duty to inform you of a four foot restriction on humanoid height."
Extract from coversation of Joe Ordinary in Local Puborama
"I hear the directors of Genetic Control have been buying all the
properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold. It's said now that people will be shorter in height, they can fit twice as many in the same building site. (they say it's alright), Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow, in the interest of humanity, they've been told they must go, told they must go-go-go-go."
Sir John De Pebble of United Blacksprings International
"I think I've fixed a new deal A dozen properties - we'll buy at five and sell at thirty four, Some are still inhabited, It's time to send the winkler to see them, he'll have to work some more."
Memo from Satin Peter of Rock Development Ltd.
With land in your hand, you'll be happy on earth Then invest in the Church for your heaven.
Can-Utility And The Coastliners
The scattered pages of a book by the sea Held by the sand, washed by the waves A shadow forms cast by a cloud, Skimming by as eyes of the past, but the rising tide Absorbs them effortlessly claiming. They told of one who tired of all singing, "Praise him, praise him." "We heed not flatterers," he cried, "By our command, waters retreat, Show my power, halt at my feet," But the cause was lost, Now cold winds blow. For from the north overcast ranks advance Fear of the storm accusing with rage and scorn. The waves surround the sinking throne Singing "Crown him, crown him," "Those who love our majesty show themselves!" All bent their knees. But he forced a smile even though His hopes lay dashed where offerings fell (where they fell). "Nothing can my peace destroy as long as none smile." More opened ears and opened eyes, And soon they dared to laugh. See a little man with his face turning red Though his story's often told you can tell he's dead.
Supper's Ready
Lovers' Leap
Walking across the sitting-room, I turn the television off. Sitting beside you, I look into your eyes. As the sound of motor cars fades in the night time, I swear I saw your face change, it didn't seem quite right. ...And it's hello babe with your guardian eyes so blue Hey my baby don't you know our love is true. Coming closer with our eyes, a distance falls around our bodies. Out in the garden, the moon seems very bright, Six saintly shrouded men move across the lawn slowly. The seventh walks in front with a cross held high in hand. ...And it's hey babe your supper's waiting for you. Hey my baby, don't you know our love is true. I've been so far from here, Far from your warm arms. It's good to feel you again, It's been a long long time. Hasn't it?
The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man
I know a farmer who looks after the farm. With water clear, he cares for all his harvest. I know a fireman who looks after the fire. You, can't you see he's fooled you all. Yes, he's here again, can't you see he's fooled you all. Share his peace, Sign the lease. He's a supersonic scientist, He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man. Look, look into my mouth he cries, And all the children lost down many paths, I bet my life you'll walk inside Hand in hand, gland in gland With a spoonful of miracle, He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary. We will rock you, rock you little snake, We will keep you snug and warm.
Ikhnaton And Itsacon And Their Band Of Merry Men
Wearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest, We walked across the fields to see the children of the West, But we saw a host of dark skinned warriors standing still below the ground, Waiting for battle. The fight's begun, they've been released. Killing foe for peace...bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang... And they're giving me a wonderful potion, 'Cos I cannot contain my emotion. And even though I'm feeling good, Something tells me I'd better activate my prayer capsule. Today's a day to celebrate, the foe have met their fate. The order for rejoicing and dancing has come from our warlord.
How Dare I Be So Beautiful?
Wandering through the chaos the battle has left, We climb up a mountain of human flesh, To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life. A young figure sits still by a pool, He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchery tool. (He is you) Social Security took care of this lad. We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower. A flower?
Willow Farm
If you go down to Willow Farm, to look for butterflies, flutterbyes, gutterflies Open your eyes, it's full of surprise, everyone lies, like the fox on the rocks, and the musical box. Oh, there's Mum & Dad, and good and bad, and everyone's happy to be here. There's Winston Churchill dressed in drag, he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag. The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick, the brick was an egg, the egg was a bird. (Fly away you sweet little thing, they're hard on your tail) Hadn't you heard? (They're going to change you into a human being!) Yes, we're happy as fish and gorgeous as geese, and wonderfully clean in the morning. We've got everything, we're growing everything, We've got some in We've got some out We've got some wild things floating about Everyone, we're changing everyone, you name them all, We've had them here, And the real stars are still to appear. ALL CHANGE! Feel your body melt; Mum to mud to mad to dad Dad diddley office, Dad diddley office, You're all full of ball. Dad to dam to dum to mum Mum diddley washing, Mum diddley washing, You're all full of ball. Let me hear you lies, we're living this up to the eyes. Ooee-ooee-ooee-oowaa Momma I want you now. And as you listen to my voice To look for hidden doors, tidy floors, more applause. You've been here all the time, Like it or not, like what you got, You're under the soil (the soil, the soil), Yes, deep in the soil (the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil!). So we'll end with a whistle and end with a bang and all of us fit in our places.
Apocalypse In 9/8 (Co-Starring the delicious talents of Gabble Ratchet)
With the guards of Magog, swarming around, The Pied Piper takes his children underground. Dragons coming out of the sea, Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me. He brings down the fire from the skies, You can tell he's doing well by the look in human eyes. Better not compromise. It won't be easy. 666 is no longer alone, He's getting out the marrow in your back bone, And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll, Gonna blow right down inside your soul. Pythagoras with the looking glass reflects the full moon, In blood, he's writing the lyrics of a brand new tune. And it's hey babe, with your guardian eyes so blue, Hey my baby, don't you know our love is true, I've been so far from here, Far from your loving arms, Now I'm back again, and babe it's gonna work out fine.
As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)
Can't you feel our souls ignite Shedding ever changing colours, in the darkness of the fading night, Like the river joins the ocean, as the germ in a seed grows We have finally been freed to get back home. There's an angel standing in the sun, and he's crying with a loud voice, "This is the supper of the mighty one", Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Has returned to lead his children home, To take them to the new Jerusalem.
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